Watch Grant Ducati violated in Random Fucks now

Grant Ducati has been violated by Raging Stallion® Reign in Random Fucks! My favourite bottom boy Grant Ducati bravely took that big black cock of Reign

Grant Ducati is one of my favourite gay bottom boys. He is perfectly built to be fucked. I know that Grant is officially a versatile gay boy, but most of his roles are as a bottom. Make no mistakes; he does bottom roles as champion. Grant Ducati was born to be bottom. He loves it; even more than that, his fans love it.

Reign is built to be the top gay boy. His appearance makes you think about the dominant top with a huge black cock as a tool for disciplining his bottom prey.

This is not the first time Reign and Grant Ducati filmed gay porn together. I hope it will not be the last time, as they are a perfect match. Like a giant dominant top with his scary large cock on the pale bottom boy whose hole enjoys being penetrated and violated.

Random Fucks with Grant and Reign – Raging Stallion® Studio

Waiting for your laundry to wrap up at the laundromat can take forever. That’s why it’s essential to pass the time by busting your loads. Feet away from the machines in a secluded outdoor space, Reign begins a steamy makeout session with Grant Ducati.

The young twink advances the situation by pulling Reign’s curved cock out of his shorts, sucking him off, and bending over for Reign to rim his hole. With Grant’s ass hungry for dick, Reign slides his 8 inches into his hookup’s completely smooth fuck hole.

The soft but dominant top barebacks Grant’s ass while firmly wrapping his muscular arms around his entire body. Reign pulls out his big dick just in time to coat Grant in his seed right before Grant milks out his load.

Categories: Anal sex, Bareback, Blowjob, Ebony, Interracial, Outdoor sex

Random Fucks series prove to be on of the most successful gay porn projects in recent times. It produced many of great videos, and I hope it will continue to do so. Random Fucks with Grant Ducati and Reign is the best proof of this claim. I am inclined to rate it with five stars and recommend it.

More gay porn reviews are available HERE.

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