Gay men fuck party now- Gay porn orgy 2

Gay men love to party! However, not often can you attend a real gay porn orgy. Oh, yes, you can. With Lucas men

Gay men are party animals. I know it is too much of a generalising. However, compared to straight guys, gay men are much more active on the party scene. How about a gay porn orgy, though? What are the origins of a gay orgy? Or what are believed to be the origins, as it seems complicated to separate historical facts from popular myth.

There are two opposed beliefs about homosexuality—or gay sex, or the more neutral and perhaps accurate term, all-male sex—in the Roman Empire. The first is that the Ancient World fizzled out in an orgy of bum fun and that we need to be careful not to let this happen to us. The second is that the Ancient World was one big al-fresco bath house. Though held by opposite sides, neither belief in its essentials contradicts the other. Both, however, are false.

Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar both had a taste for all-male sex. So did Mark Antony. And so did Hadrian. So had most of the famous Athenians – Euripides being one of its most notable enthusiasts. No signs there of moral or any other weakness. If Mark Antony came to a bad end, it was because he married an ambitious foreign woman. The fact is that the ancients didn’t have our concept of gay and straight.

In his Naturales Quaestiones (I,16)Seneca the Younger tells the story of Hostius, a wealthy man who used his slaves for sex. His taste was for both sexes, and he was as eager for the passive as for the active part. He would choose his men, a ruler in his hand, to measure them. His house was a place of continual orgies.

Lucas men fuck party

Gay men’s contribution to ancient history is evident. Maybe even more so in the history of gay porn orgy. And that continues till right now. Let’s enjoy gay men’s fuck party now! Gay porn orgy by Lucas, men!

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