Devin Franco in the new Fisting Inferno porn vid

Watching Anal Fisting of Devin Franco by Oliver Marks and Carter Collins – Gay Fisting Inferno

Fisting Inferno is delivering some exciting gay porn videos lately. The latest is a new scene of their “Fist First” series. It is featuring Devin Franco, Oliver Marks and Carter Collins. Are you into gay fisting? I am unsure how big the audience is for this type of gay porn. Some time ago, I was not interested in this genre. However, a friend who is into it insisted that I watch and review several of his videos. I am still not into fisting. However, I found gay porn by Fisting Inferno well-produced and worth presenting to the wider public. This review is the product of that process. I am glad I got into it. Let’s start it now!

“Fist First” – Devin Franco, Oliver Marks and Carter Collins – The Official Description

Boyfriends Carter Collins and Oliver Marks know that they will have to fork over a lot of cash to pay for their car repairs, but, lucky for them, horny mechanic Devin Franco is happy to take other forms of compensation. Deep in his garage, the two team up to rim Devin’s ass and suck down his cock. With the mechanic on his back, Oliver continues to blow his big dick while Carter fills Devin’s asshole with his lubed hands and an oversized dildo-on-a-stick.

Devin then shows off his bright red rosebud for the young couple before having Carter continue to fist him and decide that he’s now in the mood to fuck up Oliver’s tight and inexperienced hole.

My short review and ratings

Fisting Inferno is starting to impress me with the quality of their porn. After several previous reviews of their videos, I had high expectations before watching this one. All I can say is that they exceeded my expectations. All credit to Devin Franco, Oliver Marks and Carter Collins.

I am rating this video with 8.5 stars

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