New Sex and Porn with Dean Young and Adrian Hart

Watch gay boy Dean Young in summer fling with the big cock of Adrian Hart

Falcon Studio continues its series of gay porn scenes named “Falcon’s Endless Summer”. Hot gay bottom boy Dean Young in his summer fling with the big cock of Adrian Hart. An honest review, links and rating by

Adrian Hart – porn profile

Adrian Hart was born in February 1990. His first steps on the professional gay porn scene were recorded in 2011. Since then, Adrian participated in producing 193 gay porn videos, photoshoots and compilations. Adrian is a versatile gay.

Dean Young – porn profile

Dean Young was born in 1995. His first steps on the professional gay porn scene were recorded in 202. Since then, Dean participated in producing 18 gay porn videos, photoshoots and compilations. Dean is the gay bottom.

falcon’s Endless Summer – summer flings series – Dean Young and Adrian Hart – short description

The two guys met without much prelude, got horny in the summer heat, and decided to enjoy hot sex. Dean Young enjoyed being fucked by Adrian Hart.

Review, links and rating

Would you like fucking blond gay bottom boy as Dean Young? I would! Falcon Studios delivered compact gay porn video full of action. Not much prelude, just pure sex. I have no problems with that sort of approach to making porn. Adrian Hart and Dean Young have performed as professionals.

I think that both of them also enjoyed their summer fling. Every bit of this video has been produced professionally and delivers high-standard sex, porn and entertainment. For this, the whole crew and its final product deserve an 8.5-star rating. I have no problem recommending it. Use the provided links and check it out yourselves on Falcon Studio pages. Happy watching!

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